EI/SCI indexed Conference Papers:

  1. Liang, Chih-Chin; Shiau, WenLung. Understanding the Impact of Emotional Comments and Image on Resistance Intention and Participation: A Study of Taiwanese Consumers’ Buying behavior. the 57th HAWAII INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SYSTEM SCIENCES (HICSS-57), Hawaii, USA, January 3-6, 2024 (Accepted).
  2. Liang, Chih-Chin, Subjective Norms and Customer Adoption of Mobile Banking: Taiwan and Vietnam. the 49th HAWAII INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SYSTEM SCIENCES (HICSS-49), Hawaii, USA, January 5-8, 2016 (Accepted). (科技部補助: 105-2914-I-150-001-A1, 103-2410-H-150-004-)(EI-indexed)
  3. Liang, Chih-Chin, Efficiently Serving Customers at a Call Center. Proceedings of the 2015 International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management (IEOM), Dubai, United Arab Emirates (UAE), March 3– 5, 2015 (科技部補助代號: 103-2410-H-150-004) (EI indexed)
  4. Liang, Chih-Chin, Smart Inventory Management System of Food-Processing-and-Distribution Industry, International Conference of Information Technology and Quantitative Management (ITQM2013), Suzhou, China, 2013/05/16-18. (Scopus)
  5. Liang, Chih-Chin, Hsu, Chia-Chuan. Questionnaire Design for Finding the Causes of Join a Waiting Line in the Service Industry. Proceedings of the International Workshop on Knowledge as a Service, 7/27-29, 2011(EI-indexed, IEEE Catalog Number: CFP1181M-DVD, ISBN: 978-1-4244-9761-4, CD-title)
  6. Liang, Chih-Chin, Wang, Shan-Chin. Characteristics Analysis of Value-added Tax Fraud in Taiwan. Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on E-Business and E-Government, 5/6-8, 2011, 7775-7780 (EI-indexed, IEEE Catalog Number: CFP1159J-PRT, ISBN: 978-1-4244-8692-2)
  7. Liang, Chih-Chin, 2009, Disseminating Content through a Peer-to-Peer Infrastructure in a Disaster Zones. Proceedings of the conference of Information Systems and Management 9/20-9/22, 2009 (EI indexed, IEEE Catalog Number: CFP0941H-CDR, ISBN: 978-1-4244-4639-1).
  8. Liang, Chih-Chin, 2009, Measuring the Reliability and Cost of Links of a Disaster-Avoided Content-Delivering Service within a Large-scaled Company. Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Queueing Theory and Network Applications 7/29-7/31, 2009, Singapore (EI-indexed, ACM Sigmetrics included).

Conferences Papers:

  1. 梁直青,藍娜 (2023)。Increasing fabric utilization efficiency through adding functionalities of ERP system 。2023國際大數據與ERP學術及實務研討會,3/18, 中央大學,桃園,台灣。
  2. Liang, C.C., Gao, Y.T. (2022). Group-buying Decision under COVID-19. The 18th Annual Meeting of the Operations Research Society of Taiwan (ORSTW 2022), Dec.09. Hsinchu City, Taiwan
  3. Liang, C.C., Nguyen, T.D. (2022). Choosing Vietnam as a destination for foreign tourist in the post-pandemic era: A case study in Taiwan. The 18th Annual Meeting of the Operations Research Society of Taiwan (ORSTW 2022), Dec.09. Hsinchu City, Taiwan
  4. Liang, C.C. (2023). Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response of Towel Sound. International Conference on Innovation and Management (Winter). Jan.31-Feb.03. Sapporo, Japan.
  5. 梁直青,楊宗文 (2022)。應用腦波探討影片對降低消費者等候時間知覺之影響。2022國際大數據與ERP學術及實務研討會,3/12, 南華大學,嘉義,台灣。
  6. 梁直青,楊宗文 (2022)。Conspicuous Consumption Affects Customer Purchase of Popular Goods Online。2022國際大數據與ERP學術及實務研討會,3/12, 南華大學,嘉義,台灣。
  7. Liang, C.C. (2022). 教師創新教學對學習成效與改善分析.The Evolution of Institutional Research in Post-Covid Era, International Conference of Taiwan Association of Institute Research, Feb. 15, 2022. Hsinchu City, Taiwan.
  8. Liang, C.C., Lee, C.H. Applying Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response on the Advertising of Towel: A pilot study. The 8th Multidisciplinary International Social Networks Conference.Nov. 15-17, 2021. Bergen, Norway and Kaohsiung, Taiwan.
  9. Liang, C.C.,Chang, Y.M. Online Review Comments and Brand Image impact on Purchase Intention: A Pilot Study. The 8th Multidisciplinary International Social Networks Conference.Nov. 15-17, 2021. Bergen, Norway and Kaohsiung, Taiwan.
  10. Liang, C.C.,Liao, B.W. Online Boycott thtough a Sentiment Analysis_A pilot study: A Pilot Study. The 8th Multidisciplinary International Social Networks Conference.Nov. 15-17, 2021. Bergen, Norway and Kaohsiung, Taiwan.
  11. Liang, C. C. (2021). Mining P300 for queuing management in Service Industry- a study of sequence pattern on Brainwave analysis. 2021國際大數據與ERP學術及實務研討會, 20,March, Taichuang City, Taiwan
  12. Liang, C.C., Nguyen, L.N.H. (2021). The Impact of Airport Shopping Environment on Travelers’ Shopping Motivation. International Conference on Innovation and Management (IAM2021 Winter), 26-29, January, Webinar.
  13. Liang, C.C., Lin, C.Y. (2020). Sensory Impression and Tourist Revisiting Intention to an Attraction. Asia Pacific Conference On Information Management (APCIM 2020), 31, Oct, Kaohsiung City, Taiwan
  14. Liang, C.C., Lin, Y.W. (2020). The Relationship between Limitation and Promotion on an on-Line Shopping. Asia Pacific Conference On Information Management (APCIM 2020), 31, Oct, Kaohsiung City, Taiwan.
  15. Liang, C.C., Nguyen Luu, N., H. (2020). Impulse Purchase Behavior at The International Airport. 2020國際大數據與ERP學術及實務研討會, 21, March, Taoyuan City, Taiwan.
  16. Liang, C.C. (2019). Country of Origin Affects the Evaluation of Cellphones. International Conference on Experiments/Process/System Modeling/Simulation/Optimization. 3-6, July, 2019, Athens, Greece.
  17. Chih-Chin Liang, Nguyễn Lưu Nguyệt Hằng, Factors affecting impulse purchasing behavior in limited time at the international airport, 2019 行銷研究學術研討會, 2019/05/24, Taipei City, Taiwan.
  18. Chih-Chin Liang. Educational Advertising Messages and Product Involvement. 永續與消費特刊研討會暨台灣行銷研究學會年會。高雄,台灣。2018/10/19.
  19. 梁直青,廖若吟。從生理訊號探究代排現象。TANET 2018-臺灣網際網路研討會,Track:「人工智慧、深度學習、機器學習及其應用」。桃園,台灣。2018/10/24-10/26
  20. 梁直青,黃小芬。應用教育本位行銷推廣嫁接睫毛之先導研究。2018財務金融與管理研討會。2018/03/17, 嘉義,台灣。
  21. 梁直青,張采薇。不同行銷方式之廣告效果對於消費者行為之探究。2018物聯網下的新時代行銷特刊暨研討會。2018/06/01,金門,台灣。
  22. Chih-Chin Liang, Ci-Juan Zhang, THE PILOT STUDY OF THE RELATIONSHIPS AMONG SOCIAL IDENTITY, CONSPICUOUS CONSUMPTION, AND REPURCHASE INTENTION, International Conference on INTERNET STUDIES (Nets 2018),  Takamatsu, Japan, April, 2-4, 2018
  23. Chih-Chin Liang, Yun-Jou Chen, THE DISCUSSION OF IMPULSE PURCHASE – A PILOT STUDY OF EXPLORATORY FACTOR ANALYSIS, International Conference on INTERNET STUDIES (Nets 2018),  Takamatsu, Japan, April, 2-4, 2018
  24. Chih-Chin Liang, Rui-Yun Wu, A PILOT STUDY OF THE IMPACT OF EMOTIONS TO EXAGGERATED NEWS TITLE, International Conference on INTERNET STUDIES (Nets 2018),  Takamatsu, Japan, April, 2-4, 2018
  25. Chih-Chin Liang, Xiang-Yu Xu, THE DATABASE DESIGN OF A BRAINWAVE ANALYSIS SYSTEM, International Conference on INTERNET STUDIES (Nets 2018),  Takamatsu, Japan, April, 2-4, 2018
  26. Chih-Chin Liang, Wen-Lung Shiau, Comparison between social and the solitary customers of Click-and-Mortar Mall. CERP 2018 國際大數據與ERP學術及實務研討會, HuaLien, 2018/03/17.
  27. Chih-Chin Liang, Le Duc Trong, The influence of salespersons on stayers and defectors in Taiwan tourism, Chih-Chin Liang, 2017消費心理研討會暨「行銷評論」特刊, 2017/11/11. Taipei, Taiwan.
  28. Chih-Chin Liang, Tuan-Vinh Le, Set-top Box and its Penetration in the Home Console Market. TANET 2017, 2017/10/25-27. Taichung City, Taiwan.
  29. 吳燕萍,梁直青*。醫療志工參與動機、工作投入與持續服務意願之研究—以大林慈濟醫院為例。行銷研究學術研討會。2017/05/26。台北,台灣。
  30. Liao Ruo-Yin and Liang Chih-Chin*, THE RELATION BETWEEN HIRING QUEUERS AND EMOTIONS – A PRE-STUDY OF EXPERIMENT DESIGN, International Conference on INTERNET STUDIES (Nets 2017), Bali, Indonesia, July, 14-16, 2017.
  31. Kun-Lun Cai and Chih-Chin Liang*, THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN FACIAL EXPRESSION AND EMOTION A PRE-STUDY OF PURCHASE INTENTION, International Conference on INTERNET STUDIES (Nets 2017), Bali, Indonesia, July, 14-16, 2017.
  32. Chih-Chin Liang*, Wen-Lung, Shiau, Moderating Effect of Customer Concern of Privacy to the Relationship between Customer Satisfaction and Purchase Intention of Online Air Ticket, 9th International Conference on PLS and Related Methods (PLS’17), 2017/6/17-6/19, Macau, China. (科技部補助代號: 103-2410-H-150-004)
  33. Chih-Chin Liang, Customer Loyalty of the click-and-mortar malls. CERP 2017, 2017/03/18, Taoyuan, Taiwan. (科技部補助代號: 103-2410-H-150-004)
  34. Chih-Chin Liang, Fang-Yu Kuo, Queuing Behavior and Effects on Price Promotion: A Case Study, International Conference on INTERNET STUDIES (Nets 2016), Osaka, July 22-24, 2016.
  35. Chih-Chin Liang, Yu-Ju Hung, Perceived Importance of Private Data, International Conference on INTERNET STUDIES (Nets 2016), Osaka, July 22-24, 2016.
  36. Chih-Chin Liang, Jiaping Lee, Modeling Carbon Footprint of the Reverse Logistics of Disposing Waste of Upholstery Industry, International Symposium on Logistics (ISL 2016), 2016/7/3-6, Kaohsiung, Taiwan.
  37. 梁直青,蔡孟育,商店氣氛、消費情緒、行銷手法與消費者購買決策之影響 以速食店為例。第八屆台灣商管與資訊研討會,2016/3/25, 台北,台灣。(科技部補助代號: 103-2410-H-150-004)
  38. 梁直青,許展鳴。線性規劃應用於生產改善之先導研究。2016第七屆管理與決策學術暨實務研討會。2016/04/27, 嘉義,台灣。
  39. 梁直青,鍾佳憲。Cpk與Ppk製程指標應用於生產品質之先導研究-以某汽車零件廠為例。2016第七屆管理與決策學術暨實務研討會。2016/04/27, 嘉義,台灣。
  40. Chih-Chin Liang, Tuan Vinh Le, Set-top box and its penetration into home console market- a pilot study of exploratory factor analysis, 2016 International Conference on Emerging Trends in the Cultural and Creative Industries, 2016/5/6, Kaohsiung, Taiwan. (科技部補助代號: 103-2410-H-150-004)
  41. Chih-Chin Liang, Nguyen Thi Hang, Factors affecting the purchase of airline tickets online, 2016 International Conference on Emerging Trends in the Cultural and Creative Industries, 2016/5/6, Kaohsiung, Taiwan. (科技部補助代號: 103-2410-H-150-004)
  42. Chih-Chin Liang, Van Nhan Tran, Customer Purchase Intention of Smartphone in Vietnam – An Exploratory Factor Analysis. CERP 2016, 2016/03/13, Taipei, Taiwan. (科技部補助代號: 103-2410-H-150-004)
  43. Chih-Chin Liang, Le Thi Hong, Consumer Focus Affects Impulse Buying in Taiwan Night Market-A Pilot Study. Advanced Management Information Technologies and Applications Conference (AMITAC2014), 2014/11/27, Hsinchu, Taiwan. (科技部補助代號: 103-2410-H-150-004)
  44. Chih-Chin Liang, Ying-Syuan Lu, Service Quality and Queue. The 14th International Conference on Electronic Business in conjunction with The First Global Conference on Internet & Information Systems (ICEB 2014), 2014/12/8-12, Taipei, Taiwan. (科技部補助代號: 103-2410-H-150-004)
  45. Chih-Chin Liang, Wen-Chen Kuo, Wen-Lung Shiau, Brainwave and the Decision to Queue. Workshop on Information and Neural Decision Sciences (WINDS), 2014/12/11-12, Taipei, Taiwan. (科技部補助代號: 102-2410-H-150-007)
  46. Chih-Chin Liang, Elucidating the Role of Social Media in Influencing the Purchase Intentions of Males and Females, International Conference on Internet Studies, 2014/8/16-17, Singapore, Singapore. (科技部補助代號: 102-2410-H-150-007)
  47. Chih-Chin Liang, 2014服務科學研究論壇,Service Quality and Customer Willingness to Queue,2014/7/10-11, 台中,台灣.
  48. 梁直青,林書安,智慧型手機應用軟體介面設計與滿意度之初探研究;5/16, 2014 資訊應用與商管議題研討會,苗栗,育達科技大學。
  49. 梁直青,李淑瑜,廖星武,蔡詩婷,徐鳳淑,張家甄,劉佩雯;初探消費者對產物保險之需求及行銷策略─以天災保險為例;3/29,2014國際ERP學術及實務研討會,台南,南台科技大學。
  50. 梁直青,林佩怜;線上遊戲玩家與環保態度;3/29,2014國際ERP學術及實務研討會,台南,南台科技大學。
  51. Liang, Chih-Chin, Chou, Yi-Cheng, Factors affecting the willingness of consumers to queue in the service industry, Proceedings of 16th QMOD conference on Quality and Service Sciences ICQSS 2013, 4-6 September 2013, Portoroz, Slovenia (CD-Title).
  52. Liang, Chih-Chin, Meng-Shu, Li, Factors influence impulse-buying behaviors on online shopping, Proceedings of 16th QMOD conference on Quality and Service Sciences ICQSS 2013, 4-6 September 2013, Portoroz, Slovenia (CD-Title).
  53. Liang, Chih-Chin, Cai-Chung, Cheng, Customer willingness to join a virtual or physical queue to purchase – a pilot study, Proceedings of 16th QMOD conference on Quality and Service Sciences ICQSS 2013, 4-6 September 2013, Portoroz, Slovenia (CD-Title).
  54. Liang, Chih-Chin, Factors of Customer Queue, Proceedings of The 8th International Conference on Queueing Theory and Network Applications (QTNA2013), Taichung, Taiwan, July. 30- Aug. 2, 2013 (CD-Title).
  55. Liang, Chih-Chin, Inventory Prediction in a Food-Processing-and-Distribution Company. International Conference on Service Science and Innovation (ICCSI 2013), Kaohsiung, Taiwan, May 29-31, 2013.
  56. Liang, Chih-Chin, Smart Inventory Management System of Food-Processing-and-Distribution Industry, International Conference of Information Technology and Quantitative Management (ITQM2013), Suzhou, China, 2013/05/16-18.
  57. Liang, Chih-Chin, Customers Waiting in Front of a Retail Store, the 46th HAWAII INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SYSTEM SCIENCES (HICSS-46), Grand Wailea, Mau, USA, 2013/01/07-01/10.
  58. 梁直青,范氏玉和,THE QUESTIONNAIRE DESIGN FOR THE INFLUENCE OF SOCAIL MEDIA ON MOBILE AUCTION APPLICATION, Symposium on Enterprise Architecture and Information Technology (SEAIT 2012), Taipei, Taiwan, 2012/10/27
  59. 阮玉理,梁直青,The questionnaire design for the comparison of consumer behaviors between singles and non-singles: A case study of Taiwan supermarket, 第四屆南區管理碩士論文研討會,長榮大學,台南,台灣,6/15/2012.
  60. Liang, Chih-Chin, Identifying Reasons of Customer Waiting, the 25th European Conference on Operational Research, Vilnius, Lithuania, 8-11 July, 2012.
  62. 黃蕙君,梁直青,初探飢餓行銷-以iPhone 為例,2012 現代管理與創新學術研討會,新竹,台灣,2012/4/27 (主辦單位:明新科技大學管理學院)
  63. 梁直青,黃碧玉,Implication of customer- value orientation in 3G supply chain – a Pilot Study,2012,第十五屆電子商務研討會佳作論文,台北,台灣。
  64. 鄭凱中,梁直青*,陳芷函,Inventory Management of Food Processing Industry- A Case Study,2012,The 3rd International Conference on Engineering and Business Management,中國,上海 2012/3/26-3/28.
  65. 陳芷函,梁直青,食品加工物流業存貨控管先導探究,2011第十屆北商學術論壇-2011商業管理與資訊應用學術研討會,台北,台灣,12/2/2011.
  66. 林佩怜,梁直青,利用環保觀點改善企業社會形象-以台灣線上遊戲產業為例之先導研究,2011第十屆北商學術論壇-2011商業管理與資訊應用學術研討會,台北,台灣,12/2/2011.
  67. 楊宗文, 梁直青, 吳政仲, 唐秋華. 寵物旅館消費動機及行為與飼主生活型態相關之研究. 2011全球商業經營管理學術研討會, 高雄, 台灣, 5/6/2011. ISBN: 978-986-7339-65-2. Page. 916-926.
  68. Liang, Chih-Chin, and Wang, Shan-Chin. Characteristics Analysis of Value-added Tax Fraud in Taiwan. The 2nd International Conference on E-Business and E-Government, Shanghai, China, 5/6-8, 2011. (EI-indexed)
  69. Liang, Chih-Chin, and Hsu, Chia-Chuan. Questionnaire Design for Finding the Causes of Join a Waiting Line in the Service Industry. International Workshop on Knowledge as a Service, Nanking, China, 7/27-29, 2011.(EI-indexed)
  70. Han-Hseng Huang, Chih-Chin Liang and Hsing Luh. An Approximation Method in Two-dimensional Markov Chain Models for Call Centers with Two Classes of Customers. 2011 International conference on Asia Pacific Business Innovation and Technology Management, Bali, Indonesia, 2011/1/23-25.
  71. 梁直青, 王嘉宏, 黃瀚陞, 陸行。Queueing Model of Cost Estimation for a Large-scaled File Delivering Service。2010年台灣作業研究學術研討會, 6/8/2010。
  72. 李竹芬, 梁直青, 吳佩靜. 宅經濟下網路銀行生存之道之先導研究─從利益區隔觀點切入. 2009年資訊管理與數位內容研討會, November 20, 2009. (presented)
  73. 張馨尹, 吳靜微, 簡挺育, 林廣易, 梁直青, 李洙德. 你找到工作了嗎-會計人的求職分析. 2009年貿易與投資國際學術研討會-金融海嘯與全球經貿. (The Proceeding has assigned ISBN:978-957-9129-74-9) (accepted)
  74. 吳書嫺, 吳佩珊, 張馨尹, 張貴裕, 梁直青, 林敬彬. 不穩定網路環境下之資料傳輸探究. 2009年商業與資訊國際研討會-21世紀之挑戰與前瞻. (The Proceeding has assigned ISBN:978-957-9129-74-9) (accepted)
  75. 許展維, 吳家珍, 王彥淳, 黃瓊瑩, 梁直青, 張良政. Using System Dynamic Model to Analyze the Changes of the Telecom Industry in Taiwan. 2009年商業與資訊國際研討會-21世紀之挑戰與前瞻. (The Proceeding has assigned ISBN:978-957-9129-74-9) (accepted)
  76. Liang, Chih-Chin, Wang, Chia-Hung, Luh, Hsing, Yue Wei, Using a Proactive Peer-to-Peer Traffic Control to Deliver Large Contents within a Large-Scaled Organization, Proceedings of the 3rd Asia-Pacific Symposium on Queueing Theory and Network Applications, July 30, 2008.
  77. Yang, Chung-Wen, Liang, Chih-Chin, Measuring Software Quality with an Efficient Approach. Proceeding of the MIC 2008, Management International Conference, November 26-29, 2008
  78. Liang, Chih-Chin, Wang, Chia-Hung, Luh, Hsing, Modeling the P2P File Sharing Strategy in the Future Intranet Service, Proceedings of The 18th International Conference on Flexible Automation and Intelligent Manufacturing, Jun 30-July 2, 2008. (CD title)
  79. Liang, Chih-Chin, Wang, Chia-Hung, Luh, Hsing, Maintenance Strategies for File Delivery on Intranet, Proceedings of The 18th International Conference on Flexible Automation and Intelligent Manufacturing, Jun 30-July 2, 2008. (CD title)
  80. Liang, Chih-Chin, Wang, Chia-Hong, Luh, Hsing, Hsu, Ping-Yu, Using a Managed Peer-to-Peer Protocol to Deliver Files within an Organization, Proceedings of the 2nd Asia-Pacific Symposium on Queueing Theory and Network Applications, August 1, 2007, 227-231.
  81. Liang, Chih-Chin, Wang, Chia-Hong, Luh, Hsing, Hsu, Ping-Yu, Information development by optimum broadcasting. Proceedings of the 3rd Sino-International Symposium on Probability, Statistics, and Quantitative Management. June 10, 2006, 65-77.
  82. Chia-Hung Wang, Hsing Luh, Liang, Chih-Chin, and Ping-Yu Hsu, Fault Repair Time Distribution in Network Reliability. 第五屆海峽兩岸統計與機率學術研討會暨2006中華機率統計學會年會及學術研討會論文集, pp. 176-176, Zhunan, Taiwan, July 29-30, 2006.
  83. Liang, Chih-Chin, Hsu, Ping-Yu, Luh, Hsing, Leu, Jun-Der, 2005. System integration: fast response time of front-line staffs in changeable business environment. IFORS Triennial 2005 Conference in OR/MS. (accepted)

Academic conferences:

  1. The 25th European Conference on Operational Research, Vilnius, Lithuania, 8-11 July, 2012.
  2. 2012 年工程和商业管理国际学术会议(EBM 2012),上海,中國。
  3. 產業資訊應用研討會10/28/2011 , 台灣,台北。
  4. IIA 2010: 2010 產業資訊應用趨勢研討會 10/22/2010, 台灣,東海
  5. APBITM 2011: 2011 International conference on Asia Pacific Business Innovation and Technology Management, Bali, Indonesia.
  6. N ETs 2010: 2010 NETs conference, 11/25-11/27, 2010, Taipei, Taiwan.
  7. ORSTW 2010: 2010 台灣作業研究學術研討會, 6/8/2010, 台北, 台灣.
  8. IMDCC 2009: 2009 Information and Digital Content Conference, 11/20/2009, Chunghwa, Taiwan.
  9. EMS 2009: Conference of Information Systems and Management, 9/20-9/22, 2009, Peiking, China.
  10. New2AN/ruSmart 2009: the 9th International Conference on Next Generation Wired/Wireless Networking 9/15-9/17, 2009, St. Petersburg, Russia.
  11. QTNA2009: The 4th International Conference on Queueing Theory and Network Applications, 7/29-7/31, 2009, Singapore.
  12. MIC2008: Management International Conference, 11/26-11/29, 2008, Barcelona, Spain
  13. FAIM 2008: The 18th International Conference on Flexible Automation and Intelligent Manufacturing, 6/30-7/2, Skövde, Sweden.
  14. QTNA 2008: The Third Asia-Pacific Symposium on Queueing Theory and Network Applications, 7/30-8/2, Taipei, Taiwan.
  15. QTNA 2007: The Second Asia-Pacific Symposium on Queueing Theory and Network Applications, 8/1-8/4, Kobe, Japan.
  16. ICCPOL 2006: 21st International Conference on the Computer Processing of Oriental Languages, 12/17-12/19, Singapore.
  17. WISE 2006: Conference in Web Information System Engineering, 10/23-10/26, WuHan, China.
  18. ICAQM 2006: (中華國際機率統計與計量管理學術研討會), 6/10, Taipei, Taiwan.
  19. WISE 2005: Conference in Web Information System Engineering, 11/20-11/22, New York, USA.
  20. IFORS 2005: Triennial 2005 Conference in OR/MS, 7/11-7/15 ,Hanalulu, USA.
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